This week I talk with colleague K. Keener about our trip to NCTE 2019 in Baltimore. We talk a little about Tommy Orange and talk about two of our sessions that occurred at the conference. Books to consider from our podcast: There There by Tommy Orange Say Yes to Pears: Food Literacy in and Beyond the English Classroom by Joseph Franzen and Brent Peters Special thanks to the GSEA of NCTE (Josh Coleman, Stephen Crawley, Darryn Diuguid, Craig Young and many others). Operation Game Design presenter: Dr. Michele Haiken Playing with fiction presenters: Jeanne Henry, Hofstra University, Lorraine Radice, Long Beach School District, NY Say Yes to Pears Authors: Joseph Franzen and Brent Peters Music from the podcast c/o Kevin MacLead. You kind find more of his royalty free music at Daniel Valentin teaches American Wilderness, Ethics, and English 9 at Horace Greeley High School. He is currently reading New Kid by Jerry Craft and is listeni...